
Out-of-programme Training

There are a number of circumstances when a trainee may seek to spend some time out of the specialty training programme to which they have been appointed. All such requests need to be agreed and supported by the TPD and the Postgraduate Dean, so trainees are advised to discuss their proposals as early as possible.

The purpose of taking time out of a specialty training programme is to support the trainee in:

The last 6 months of the CCT training programme should normally be in the UK. The trainee on his/her return must complete a report on the time spent on OOPT and submit it, together with an assessment report from the local supervisor, to the Deanery and the Medical Secretary of the RCoA Training Committee.


Please read carefully the advice available on the RCoA and NES websites and in the Gold guide. All applications for Out of Programme (with the exception of Acting Up applications and OOPC) must be approved and confirmed at least 3 months before the scheduled start of any activity to give your employer sufficient notice; this means that the request should be submitted at least 6 months before the start of OOP.

  1. Trainees must discuss their career plans with their CT, TPD and RA as local training support must be in place before the following documents can be completed.
  2. The trainee should read the NES guidance and complete the Deanery application form NES OOP
  3. For GMC support complete Appendix 4 of the Gold Guide. GMC OOP
  4. RCOA approval is also required for OOPT/R RCOA OOP Guidance
  5. A copy of the application form can be found here RCOA OOP Application Form
  6. The trainee must send supporting documentation and the NES application to the Postgraduate Dean via Mrs June Lawson, PA to the PGD.
  7. The Postgraduate Dean will write to the GMC to apply for "prospective approval that proposed OOPT counts towards CCT" (RCoA letter required for this). This process may take up to one month.
  8. The trainee must give at least three months formal written notice to their employer and six months to the deanery prior to the start date of the planned OOPT
Scottish Deanery OOP Pages